Sunday, September 6, 2009
Watch Private Practice Episode - Season 3 promo
Private Practice Season 3 Preview - Private Practice returns for an all-new, powerful season to follow up the end of Season 2. Drama abounds for Oceanside Wellness Group, and the 3rd season is set to start off big. ABC premieres the highly-anticipated series on Thursday, October 1, 2009. Where some questions will be answered and others asked. We still don’t know who fathered Violet’s baby, even though Violet picks Pete, but that isn’t the pressing matter.
Violet’s in labor and being held hostage by one of her patients who thinks Violet’s child was her baby just now in Violet’s body, and she wants that baby. Who survives? Will Violet and the baby survive, or will someone save her time? What’s next for Sam and Naomi now that Naomi’s taken Charlotte’s job? In fact, what’s next for Charlotte? Does she go back to simply working at the hospital? What happens with her and Cooper? Will Addison ever find love? What kind of dad will Dell be? Shonda Rhimes is ready to go with season 3 and the only thing she’ll tell us is that Grey’s Anatomy’s Dr. Bailey (Chandra Wilson) will make a guest appearance sometime in the season when she has to do surgery in Los Angeles. The rest remains to be seen.

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